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Establishing the Kingdom of God's Order

Your kingdom come.

Your will be done

On earth as it is in heaven.

Matthew 6:10

A word from the Lord given to me,

May 8th, 2020.

The enemy creates chaos to disrupt peace, prosperity, advancement, life, and freedom. The enemy seeks to establish its order of evil and darkness out of chaos.

The Lord began to share with me that we, as the church, must take our place this year. The enemy seeks to establish its dark order of operations out of this evil operation that disrupted the entire world's systems.

The Lord is saying, let the Ekklesia (Church) Arise! For as my Ekklesia (Church) arises,  I will arise, and all my enemies will be scattered. We have this moment in time to begin to establish God's Kingdom order within all spheres of influence.

We are on the brink of a great Reformation Awakening Revival. Every sphere of influence is being exposed, and we, as the Ekklesia (Church), can uproot and throw down the high places and establish God's Kingdom order out of chaos at the gates.

The Lord is saying, church; I did not put President Trump in the office to do everything for you. He is a doorstopper; I opened the door for my Ekklesia (Church) to go through and take territory to occupy. The war is at the door! The gates of this nation. Do not allow intimidation to keep you from going through. Go Through!

In Love with Jesus,

Tammy Brunk


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