Awakening Harvest School of Ministry is part of the vision God gave to Tammy to lead people to encounter Jesus, come into greater measures of their identity, teach, train, equip, impart, and activate God's sons and daughters for the work of the ministry.
These are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ. This will continue until we all come to such unity in our faith and knowledge of God’s Son that we will be mature in the Lord, measuring up to the complete standard of Christ. Ephesians 4:11-13 NLT
In 2011, while in my garden, the spirit of the Lord came on me suddenly and took me into a vision. The vision was of God calling me to have a school of ministry. The Lord spoke to me; Not only will you have a school of ministry, but you will also have a school that trains the prophetic and prophets. He proceeded with giving me a timeline of when this would happen.
During the time of the vision, God was still unfolding and revealing my life’s work. The revelation shocked me because it was not something I was doing or something I had ever considered.
In the spring of 2012, I was asked to teach my first class ever at a school of ministry. All of this was new to me. I had never taught in a classroom setting before.
The very first class I was asked to teach was a prophetic foundation class. I remember like it was yesterday, I stood in front of the class ready to teach, I opened my mouth to speak, and it was like a cork popped off in my spirit, and a gush came forth. The gift of teaching was activated in and through me. A gift I never knew I had! It was such a surprise to me. Simultaneously, the anointing was released, I felt at home in my newly discovered gift.
By the summer of 2012, I had finished teaching part one and part two of the prophetic classes and developed and taught a fire evangelism class. During the fire evangelism class, I trained and organized evangelistic teams.
Before this, the dean of the ministry school resigned due to moving to another city. In July 2012, I was asked to be the dean of the School of ministry! I served four years as a dean and was positioned as Vice-Chancellor in 2016.
Only God could orchestrate such a turn of events in our lives when we hear Him and trust His word, whether we are qualified or not. God qualifies us and will cause us to come into His perfect will, purpose, and call for our lives.
After our 2017 transition into Orlando, Florida; In January 2018, The Lord had revealed to me it was time to put together the ministry school He had called me to launch many years ago. I ordered hundreds of dollars worth of books for the First-Year Awakening Harvest School of Ministry classes. The Lord revealed to me the 2018 -2019 classes and itinerary and said to start the school online.
March 2018 The Lord lead me to attend a Sunday morning service at Heart of the Father church in Lakeland, Florida. Jeremiah Johnson was ministering that morning. During the service, he began to call people to the front to prophecy over them. The church was packed, and I was sitting in the middle of the third row from the back wall. Jeremiah walked to the back and called me out to come to the front. Immediately the spirit of God came on me, and I began to weep. Jeremiah came over to me and began to prophesy about many things in my life. He confirmed my teaching gift and calling to train and equip God's people and to teach them how to hear the voice of the Lord.
God will always confirm His word to perform it in and through us.
We are now going into our third year at Awakening Harvest School of Ministry this fall online. To find out more information about the Awakening Harvest School of Ministry, click on "School" on our website. You can go to our testimonial page to hear what the students are saying.